Uri Avnery, israelischer Friedensaktivist, ist gestorben
tagesschau 17:00 Uhr, 20.08.2018, Susanne Glass, ARD Tel Aviv
Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist, has died
daily show 17:00, 20.08.2018, Susanne Glass, ARD Tel Aviv
Uri Avnery, israelischer Friedensaktivist, ist gestorben
Uri Avnery, Israeli peace activist, has died
Er war Autor, Journalist, Politiker – und wurde für seinen Kampf um Frieden zwischen Israelis und Palästinensern vielfach
ausgezeichnet. Bis zuletzt glaubte der Optimist, dass es Frieden geben wird.
Neben- und miteinander leben – in Frieden: Diese Vision einer Zukunft für Israelis und Palästinenser trieb Uri Avnery zeitlebens an. Daran glaubte er immer. Und er nannte sich selbst einen
genetischen Optimisten: „Auch in dunklen Zeiten: Es gibt immer einen Ausweg. Wir müssen nur das Unsere beitragen, um in diesem Kampf zwischen Guten und Bösen, zwischen Licht und Finsternis, wie man
in unserer Tradition sagt – wir müssen unseren Teil beitragen und hoffen, dass das Gute siegen wird.“
He was an author, journalist, politician - and has received many awards for his fight for peace between Israelis and
Palestinians. Until recently, the optimist believed that there would be peace.
Living side by side and in peace - this vision of a future for Israelis and Palestinians spurred Uri Avnery on throughout his life. He always believed in that. And he called himself a genetic
optimist: "Even in dark times: there is always a way out. We only need to contribute to ours to be in this battle between good and evil, between light and darkness, as we say in our tradition - we
must do our part and hope that the good will prevail. "
Israel's Minister of Justice: maintaining a Jewish majority is more important than human rights
"We must preserve a Jewish majority, even if it means violating rights."
Israel verweigert sieben europäischen Beamten Einreise wegen 'Unterstützung des Israel-Boykotts' -
Israel denies seven European officials entry for 'support of Israel boycott' -
Ton-Aufnahmen des ehemaligen US-Außenministers Kerry aufgetaucht – "Israel will keinen Frieden"
Sound recordings of former US Secretary of State Kerry popped up - "Israel does not want peace"
Last October 2017,
483 Palestinian citizens were kidnapped by Zionist occupation forces including 125 children, 8 women and 4 journalists, 7.November 2017.
Wird Netanyahu riskieren, das häßlichste Geheimnis Israels offenzulegen?
Will Netanyahu risk exposing Israel's ugliest secret?
The Balfour Declaration set in motion the ethnic cleansing of Palestine
Endlich ein Durchbruch?
Zur Wiederbelebung des gemeinsamen israelisch-palästinensischen Wasser Komitees
Finally a breakthrough?
To revive the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Water Committee
New project to preserve the iconic Solomon Pools site in Bethlehem
Distinguished Israeli Doctor Supports BDS
Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas want to talk about reconciliation
Is there hope for real peace? Hamas, a radical Islamic organization, wants to negotiate with Fatah, the governor of
West Jordan, in Cairo. It is not the first attempt by Egyptian mediators.
Jussef al-Mahmud, spokesman for the unity government
Monday, 09.10.2017 21:22 clock
Ranghohe representatives of the Palestinian organizations Fatah
and Hamas are discussing ways of reconciliation from Tuesday in Cairo. For the Fatah
take part in the talks behind closed doors among other intelligence service Madjad Faradz as well as the Fatah representative in the Gaza Strip, Fajes Abu Eita. The second deputy chief, Salah al-Aruri, and
the regional militia leader in the Gaza Strip, Jahia Sinwar, are responsible for the secondment of Hamas.
Hamas, the radical Islamic, has been in power since 2007 in the Gaza Strip. The group was
armed in armed disputes after a dispute over the 2006 parliamentary election against the moderate Fatah of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. It exercises the power of government in Israeli-occupied West Jordan. Hamas and Fatah agreed to Egypt's talks about a unity government and to new
It is not the first time that the neighboring state has taken the mediation
role between the parties. As early as 2011 Fatah and Hamas concluded peace after they
had met in Cairo. At that time Abbas and Ismail Haniyya
signed a reconciliation agreement - but the conflict was not solved.
Only three years later, shortly after another attempt to reconcile the parties, a new military dispute between Hamas and Israel came into conflict with the agreements with
Empire Files: Israelis Speak Candidly to Abby Martin About Palestinians
On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region. Israeli-born human rights activist Ronnie Barkan explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society.
Israelis advocated killing and transfer of Palestinians - 04.10.2017 - A new video published by TeleSUR-TV shows a strong anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian mood among the Israelis in Jerusalem:
(Jewish) inhabitants (Jerusalem) ) provide extreme solutions to the country's conflict, such
as to kill all Palestinians or to create them in other Arab countries.
"I would put them on a plane bombing - that's the only way to deal with them," said an Israeli in the video, which was released by TeleSUR TV Network on Sunday.
Another young woman said, "We have to kill the
Arabs," while a man suggested to drive out all Arabs. The interviews were conducted in the Zion Street in
Jerusalem. Many of the interviewed by TeleSUR were American Jews who had
immigrated to Israel.
"I think that Islam is a very bad disease, not just for Israel, but for the whole world, we can see it, you think that all of you must be Islam (sic!), If you are not Islam (sic!) , they'll kill you, "a man replied.
A young man from the right organization, Lehava, who works to prevent Jews and Palestinians from talking together, said: "Jews are a special nation - God has given it to the Jews, we do not want Jews
to interfere with another nation. "
In an
investigation by the American Pew Research Center of 2016, almost half of the Israeli Jews expressed their support for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. For the statement "Arabs should be displaced or transferred
from Israel" 48% agreed or agreed very strongly. About 79% of Israeli Jews said
they themselves deserved preferential treatment in Israel.
Israeli politicians have participated in fomenting hatred against Palestinians.
In July, an Israeli deputy, Oren Hazan, said he would "execute" the family of a Palestinian assassin as a revenge for the operation in which three Israelis were killed in an illegal settlement in the
West Bank.
Responding to the comments, Mustafa Barghouti, former Palestinian Minister of Information, said in an earlier article to Al Jazeera that such comments were "very dangerous and showed how deeply
racism is rooted in Israel".
In 2014 (the Israeli) Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked published a post on Facebook calling for a genocide to the Palestinians: "What is so terrible to understand that the entire Palestinian people are
our enemy? They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be upon their heads. "
In a speech before the World Zionist Congress in 2015, Netanyahu claimed that before a Palestinian would have convinced him, Hitler would not have been interested in the destruction of European
At the annual Israeli commemoration of occupation of the Palestinian territories, right-wing national Jews are rampaging through the Old City of East Jerusalem, carrying Israel flags and calling
anti-Palestinian anti-Islamic slogans like "Death to the Arabs". Source translation: K. Nebauer
Call for the protection of holy places in Palestine
Palestinians accuse Israelis offenses
against sacred sites
dtj-online Politics 2 October 2017 15:49
Yousef Idais, the Palestinian minister of
religion, has called on the international community to protect holy sites in Palestine.
For September, according to a statement from Monday, the minister noted more than 110 Israeli attacks on Islamic and Christian holy sites, as the state Jordanian news agency Petra
Specifically, Idais lamented raids, arrests of believers, excavations, and the "ongoing trial of Judaization" of the Ibrahim Mosque, the so-called patriarchal tombs, in Hebron.
cave Machpela, close to Hebron's old town, is considered to be the burial ground of the three biblical archbishops Abraham, Isaak and Jacob, as well as their wives Sara, Rebekka and Lea.
It is one of the holiest places of Judaism, but is also worshiped by Muslims and
The Biblical tomb located on an Israeli-controlled enclave, divided into a synagogue and a mosque, has repeatedly caused tensions between Israelis and Palestinians in the
A message of hope from Palestine
Peace with Palestinians is the only hope for Israel
"I put my trust in Buddha" - "I believe in God" - "I think in Jesus Christ "-" I believe in God, Allah ". Pope Francis to this Epiphany the first video message for Holy Year
Vatican recognizes Palestine as a state to immediately
In the document that regulates details on the status of the Catholic Church in Palestine, is expressly from the "State of Palestine" the talk. It also reaffirms the "support for a peaceful negotiated settlement of the situation in the region".
The visit of the Pope to the Holy Land and a half years ago the Vatican had spoken in the official travel documents already from the "Stato di Palestina". In May of last year, the pope Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas had received in Rome and described him as "Angel of Peace".
So far more than 130 countries worldwide have recognized Palestine as a sovereign state, for example, China, Brazil and Argentina. Switzerland is the not followed; the Swiss Foreign Department used the term "Occupied Palestinian Territory".
The Palestinians have been fighting for years for the recognition of an independent state - a key success 2012 was the recognition of the "State of Palestine" as an observer at the UN.
Pope Francis Abbas's peace angel
On Saturday Pope Francis has received the President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas at the Vatican. In the 20-minute private audience the head of the
Catholic Church Abbas called angels of peace.
During the conversation the aim was to fight terrorism in the Middle East and to promote interfaith dialogue, the Vatican said on Saturday. Then the pope and Abbas exchanged gifts.
Francis gave Palestinian President a medal with a peace angel, "to destroy evil spirits of the war" the. "I thought of you because you're an angel of peace," he said.
Call of numerous celebrities: Re war in Europe? Not in our name!
Palestine Song فلسطين أغنية
Gute Reise! Bon Voyage!
Palestinian TV shows alleged beating of Mohamed Abu Khdeir's cousin
Where Is Palestine?
Dr.Muhaisen, Nakba 66, Berlin am 16.05.2014 النكبة 66 في
Eine TV-Dokumentation taucht ein in den Alltag der heiligen Stadt: 24 Stunden Jerusalem - A TV documentary is a dive into the everyday life of the holy city: 24 hours Jerusalem
A 24-hour documentary program. Join hour by hour the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
24h Jerusalem: Zum Nachschauen und Nachhören clicken Sie auf:
24h Jerusalem: Click for looking and be listened to:
SOMEDAY (Song for Palestine) - Intifada Palestine
Im Gespräch: Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas: Ist Frieden möglich ?/ Interview with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas: Is peace possible?
Im Gespräch: Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas
Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas weist israelische Medienberichte zurück, wonach die Friedensverhandlungen mit Israel festgefahren sind.
Interview with Palestinian President Mahmoud
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejects Israeli media reports that
the peace negotiations with Israel are deadlocked.
Roger Waters' (Pink Floyd) Song for Gaza
Link zu Google-Palestine:
Extended trailer
Nach UN_Votum Palästinenser feiern Sieg - YouTube 1
KenFM über: 138 /41/ 9 ! Mahmud Abbas schreibt Geschichte vor der UNO
2012 New Palestine Video - Sami Yusuf ft Outlandish - Try Not To Cry
Freunde Palästinas اصدقاء فلسطين Friends of Palestine
Grußwort am Internationalen Tag der Solidarität mit dem Palästinensischen Volk, Pretoria, 04.Dezember 1997
Wall of Shame - Documentary Video on Apartheid in Palestine
Hebron ciudad sitiada
Die Geschichte der Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT)
The history of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (PPT)
Video: Christliche Friedensstifter Team (CPT) Intro
Christliche Friedensstifter Teams (CPT) setzen Teams weltweit ein zur Gewaltminderung in Krisensituationen und militarisierten Regionen, auf Einladung lokaler Friedensstifter und Menschenrechts-Arbeiter
Christian Peacebuilding Teams (CPTs) use teams worldwide to reduce violence in crisis situations and militarized regions, at the invitation of local peacemakers and human rights workers
Die israelischen Siedlungen in der Westbank
The Israeli settlements in the West Bank
Wider die Verdrängung / Against the repression
Marahaba! Hallo!
Mit der Aussage einer CPT- Mitarbeiterin möchte ich von meiner spannenden und erlebnisreichen Reise nach Palästina (Besuch bei Freunden im April 2011) berichten:
With the declaration of a CPT employee I want from my exciting and eventful journey to Palestine (visiting friends in April 2011) report:
"Es ist wichtig zu erfahren, wie die Welt wirklich ist und dass es Menschen gibt, die darüber erzählen.
Darüber, was hier wirklich passiert und insbesondere den Leuten daheim! Dann glaubt man dir, weil du es mit eigenen Augen gesehen hast
Du/ich wir haben die Geschichte und die Beweise!"
"It's important to learn how the world really is and that there are people who tell about it.
Moreover, what really happened here, and especially the people
at home! Then one believes you, because you have seen it
with my own eyes
You / I we have the story
and the evidence! "
Video: Christliche Friedensstifter CPT mit deutschen Untertitel
Video: Christian Peacemakers CPT with German subtitles
Christliche Friedensstifter: Christian Peacemaker Teams - Palästina - ist eine glaubensbasierte Organisation, die palästinensisch-led, gewaltfrei, basisdemokratischen Widerstand unterstützt, um die israelische Besatzung zu dokumentieren.
Christian Peacemakers: Christian Peacemaker Teams - Palestine - is a faith-based organization, the Palestinian-led, nonviolent, grassroots resistance support to document the Israeli occupation
Meine Fotos: Palästina 2011 - My Photos: Palestine 2011
My photos: Palestine 2011 - My Photos: Palestine 2011
Weitere Video-Links zur Situation in Palästina / More video links to the situation in Palestine
Link: A long walk home from
Link: Al Bowereh
Link: Friedensnobelpreisträger fordern Militärgüter-Boykott gegen Israel-29.11.12
Ende der Reise ... - End of the journey...
Ich glaube, das schönste Geschenk, dass du jemanden mit nach Hause bringen kannst, ist die WAHRHEIT hier!
(Aussage einer CPT-Mitarbeiterin)
I think the best gift
that you can bring someone home with you, is the
TRUTH here!
(Statement of a CPT Assistant)